Denied Disability Claim? Your Insurance Company Is Hoping You Will Give Up

Irvine California Denied Disability Insurance Claims Attorneys

There is a reason so many disability insurance claims are outright denied — insurance companies are businesses and they must make a profit. Insurers pay on some legitimate claims when they are made, but many more valid claims are simply denied. Insurers have a long list of tactics and practices designed to look for ways to pay as little as possible, or nothing at all, on all claims — even with the person making the claim is genuinely disabled.

If your benefits were denied, California law allows you to appeal the decision on your claim, but the appeals process itself can be long and confusing and your insurer will continue to try to avoid paying on a claim. This is the main reason most people who are denied their disability benefits turn look to an attorney for help.

Sometimes There Are Legitimate Reasons Claims Are Denied, But That Is Not Always The Case

There are many legitimate reasons for an insurance company to deny a claim for benefits. The denial may even based on an honest mistake or misinterpretation of data. However, that is not always the case. If, through our investigation, it is determined that the insurance carrier acted in bad faith — or an unreasonable refusal of benefits — we can file a lawsuit and hold it accountable for its actions. Clients rely on our experienced insurance bad faith lawyers to explore every legal option to ensure they receive the benefits they deserve.

Remember, insurance is a product — insurance companies are not attorneys and they are not your legal advocates. In fact, if your insurer has tried to offer you legal advice about settling your claim or asked you to sign your rights to sue away, you really do need to speak with someone who will be on your side.

If you or a loved one has been denied disability benefits, an experienced attorney can educate you on what your best course of action is. It is important not to give up, and assume this denial in any way disqualifies you for benefits. There is a special appeals process that exists to allow individuals the opportunity to have a denial reversed. Trust our attorneys to follow every legal avenue to help you receive the benefits you deserve.

At Donahue & Horrow LLP, our Irvine denied disability claims lawyers have more than 50 combined years of experience guiding clients through potentially complex legal processes. Our thorough understanding of the law and our ability to carefully examine the fine print of the insurance carrier’s denial helps us develop an effective and unique case strategy. Trust us to answer any questions you might have and keep you fully updated through every phase of your appeal.

Call For Your Free Consultation With An Irvine Denied Disability Claims Attorney Today

All cases are taken on a contingency basis, which means you pay nothing and we receive nothing unless you win your case by way of settlement or verdict. Call us toll free at 877-664-5407 or e-mail us to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.