Denied Homeowners and Property Insurance Claims Attorney

All cases are taken on a contingency basis, which means you pay nothing and we receive nothing unless you win your case by way of settlement or verdict. Call us toll-free at 877-664-5407 or e-mail us to schedule a consultation with our experienced Los Angeles insurance claim disputes lawyers.
Has Your Property Damage Claim Been Denied?
You purchased property insurance — that is, a promise from an insurer that it will pay for damages caused to the covered property. That promise means paying promptly and in full. When the insurer refuses to uphold its end of the bargain, arguing that your claim is excluded under the policy, we will fight for your right to reimbursement.
Our law firm features former insurance defense attorneys, so we know full well the methods the insurance company will use to deny your claim. They may say it is excluded because the specific event that caused the property damage was not in your policy. With more than 50 years of experience on our side, we know the steps to take to close the loopholes and prevent the insurance company from worming out of its obligations to you.
At Donahue & Horrow LLP, we represent people who have purchased commercial or personal property insurance of all types, including:
- Homeowners insurance
- Business insurance
- Car, truck, motorcycle, and other motor vehicle insurance
- Boat insurance
Our property insurance lawyers assist people in the Los Angeles area and throughout California with property damage claims such as fire damage claims, flood damage claims and water damage claims, wind damage claims, burglary claims and theft claims, and vandalism claims. No matter what caused the damage to your property, you can turn to us for help.
“I’m sure you heard the news. Wow, what an experience! I was totally overwhelmed with the process, emotionally bankrupt. At the end of the day, I think I was in total shock. I wondered around in an emotional daze for hours. The good news, I woke up to a Brand New Day. I haven’t seen this kind of day in years. Just thought I would share that with you.
I also want to thank you for all your hard work. I know Michael could not have done what he did without you. You have been so valuable through this whole process. It is people like you that make people like me believe. Your work is impressive but, what I feel you represent as a human being is most impressive. I felt you holding my hand, and I am grateful to you for that. You are amazing. You were at the pulse of the case at all times. Not once did I feel that I needed to talk to Michael for clarification (a first for me, especially, in the legal world). You have been so helpful, and kind, and so supportive, and…
Thank you Nichole, for all you have done on my behalf. There are not enough words (at least in my vocabulary) to express my gratitude.” — RS
Contact Our Law Offices for a Free Initial Consultation
All cases are taken on a contingency basis, which means you pay nothing and we receive nothing unless you win your case by way of settlement or verdict. Call us toll-free at 877-664-5407 or e-mail us to schedule a consultation with our California property insurance lawyers.