Amidst Ongoing Litigation, Partial Settlement Reached for For Infant’s Lifelong Birth Injury

Donahue & Horrow LLP is pleased to share that our team was able to obtain a partial settlement in a traumatic birth injury case.  A family came to Donahue & Horrow LLP following a problematic labor and delivery that caused the baby to be born pale, limp, and not breathing.  Eventually, the baby was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, and other related conditions.

Our team obtained the necessary medical records and filed a lawsuit alleging that the hospital and attending physicians were negligent during labor and delivery and failed to conduct a c-section despite abnormal fetal monitory and obvious fetal distress.  The physicians then used a vacuum during delivery, against the express wishes of the parents.  

While the litigation is ongoing, we were able to reach a settlement with one of the defendants, obtaining all available insurance proceeds.  This will allow our clients to obtain the best available care for their child going forward.

Did your child suffer a birth injury? Do you suspect more care could have been taken by the physicians and hospital staff? If so, call our team today at (877) 664-5407 or start your FREE consultation here. 

At Donahue & Horrow LLP we understand how hard this can be on families with so much uncertainty. We are here to help and our team of trusted and experienced birth injury lawyers will fight fervently for you and your family to ensure you get what you deserve.