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California Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Bilirubin: Bilirubin encephalopathy, also called kernicterus is a neurological condition that happens when an infant has severe jaundice. While jaundice in and of itself isn’t uncommon, if it isn’t treated properly by a doctor, the condition can escalate into kernicterus, which can cause coma and death.
Brain Cooling: Brain cooling is a relatively new therapy that is administered to newborns suffering from birth asphyxia. The therapy involves cooling the baby’s core temperature down to 91 degrees for approximately 72 hours. The therapy is used to slow the child’s metabolic rate, allowing for prolonged cell recovery. This is done to avoid brain damage. Even if this treatment is administered properly, further damage can result.
Developmental Delay: When a child doesn’t reach certain developmental milestones, it may be due to several factors. Some of these factors could be genetic. However, many are due to birth complications and medical negligence.
Gestational Diabetes: This is a birth complication that, if not handled properly, can harm both mother and child. Failure to diagnose this condition can lead to hypoxia, Erb’s palsy, brain ischemia and other serious birth injuries.
Intrauterine Growth Retardation: This disorder, also called IUGR, occurs when a child fails to grow as expected during pregnancy. Physicians are responsible for closely monitoring the baby’s growth. This disorder is caused by a variety of factors, and if it is detected, prompt treatment is necessary.
Microcephaly: This condition is marked by an unusually small head at birth. It can be an indication that the child has suffered brain damage due to oxygen deprivation at the time of birth. It can also be caused by an ischemic stroke, infection, or poorly controlled gestational diabetes. When a complication arises, and it’s not handled properly by physicians, the problem escalates into something more serious and even fatal.
Pitocin: Pitocin is a synthetic form of a hormone that the body releases during labor. It is administered to assist with contractions and the speed of labor. Misuse of the drug can cause serious complications and birth injuries.
Post-Term Pregnancy: A post term pregnancy is one that lasts longer than 42 weeks. A late delivery is associated with fetal and maternal complications. It is up to the physician to take appropriate action to ensure that the child and mother remain safe.
Pregnancy Induced Hypertension: This condition is also called pre-eclampsia or toxemia. A misdiagnosis of this condition or treated improperly can mean serious complications for both mother and child.
Premature Delivery: Babies are considered full term by approximately 40 weeks. While a baby is considered viable after 24 weeks, they can face a number of serious complications. In some instances, medical negligence is the cause for an early delivery, jeopardizing the safety of the mother and child.
Other Practice Areas:
Nursing Home Negligence: There are countless acts of negligence that can occur to a loved one in a nursing home. These can include failure to provide adequate medical care, food and hydration, and failure to keep the premises safe. These acts of negligence can cause injury to the patient, and even death.
Nursing Home Sexual Abuse: Unfortunately, these disturbing situations arise in nursing homes more often than you think, but often go unreported. Victims may be unable to call for help and be afraid to report the incidents for fear of repercussions. If sexual abuse is suspected, it is imperative that family members seek legal assistance and hold the guilty parties responsible for their actions.